Testosterone plays a critical role in maintaining both physical and mental health.

From its peak in the late teens and early 20’s, the production of testosterone begins to taper at approximately age 30. This physiological decrease is commonly known as andropause and can cause changes in: sexual function, mood, energy level and body composition, as well as cardiovascular risk. Men with low and low range testosterone levels are also at a greater risk for metabolic and cardiovascular disease.

Symptoms associated with decreased testosterone production include:

  • Decreased erectile function

  • Decreased mental ability

  • Insulin resistance

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Loss of muscle strength

  • Loss of muscle mass

  • Fatigue

  • Weight gain

  • Trouble urinating

  • Prostate problems

  • Bone loss

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Dr. Angelina’s approach to addressing these symptoms, include evaluation of sex hormone levels, as well as specialty labs testing adrenal and neurotransmitter function to target where the imbalance stems from.

This is because it is also important to maintain appropriate levels of estrogen, progesterone, DHEA and cortisol in men. Increased estrogen levels may contribute to prostate problems and weight gain, and if the adrenal hormones (cortisol and DHEA) are out of balance, men may experience problems with fatigue, immune dysregulation and may develop blood sugar irregularities. As testicular production of sex hormones wanes with age, adrenal hormone balance plays a central role in sustaining optimal hormone health. In addition to cortisol, your body uses neurotransmitters to manage and respond to stress. Like hormones, neurotransmitters are chemical messengers made and used in the body that help regulate mood, cognition, stress and more. When neurotransmitters are imbalanced, stress can heighten symptoms of fatigue, anxiety and irritability.

Because of the complexity of the neuroendocrine system, issues that arise rarely stem from just one hormone or neurotransmitter. In addition to age-related decline, poor diet, lack of exercise, stress and other lifestyle factors can have a significant effect on hormones as well.

Dr. Angelina has successfully addressed the most common and the most urgent concerns in many men naturally through a combined approach of nutrition, supplements, IVs, vitamin injections, lifestyle and bioidentical hormone replacement options to recover their optimal hormonal balance.