IV Ozone / MAH
Ozonating blood elicits regenerative cytokines and decreases inflammation.
$210 (Regular) | $195 (Member)
Ozonating blood elicits regenerative cytokines and decreases inflammation, then run through UVB light to kill viruses, bacteria and pathogens.
$235 (Regular) | $215 (Member)
IV Recirculatory Hemoperfusion
Oxygenating and ozonating blood, while filtering it before returning back to you.
$1400 (Regular) | $1200 (Member)
Eboo Level I
Oxygenating and ozonating blood, while filtering it before returning back to you. This is a 60 minute ongoing procedure, so please plan for 90 minutes.
$1250 (Regular) | $1150 (Member)
Eboo Level II
Enhancing toxin removal through filtration and ozonation of blood. This is a 60 minute ongoing procedure, so please plan for 90 minutes.
$1450 (Regular) | $1300 (Member)
Ozone Trigger Point Injection
Increase regeneration and decrease inflammation to a trigger point area by increasing circulation and oxygenation with ozone.
$55 (Regular) | $45 (Member)
Ozone Scar Injection
Subcutaneous scar tissue is injected with ozone to rejuvenate the nerves and promote proper healing and circulation. This service covers approximately 2 inches of scar tissue, and $20 for each additional inch. Please book additional services for each scar.
$55 (Regular) | $45 (Member)
Prolozone Injection
Increase regeneration and decrease inflammation to areas of pain by increasing nutrition, circulation and oxygenation with nutrients and ozone.
1st Injection $275 (Regular) | 1st Injection $255 (Member)
2nd Injection $195 (Regular) | 2nd Injection $175 (Member)
3rd+ Injection $125 (Regular) | 3rd+ Injection $105 (Member)
Prolozone Trigger Point Injection
Increase regeneration and decrease inflammation to a trigger point area by increasing nutrition, circulation and oxygenation with nutrients and ozone.
$165 (Regular) | $150 (Member)
Ear Ozone Insufflation
Ozone gently insufflated into ear canals to fight pathogens and decrease inflammation.
$55 (Regular) | $45 (Member)
Nasal Ozone Insufflation
Ozone gently insufflated into nasal passages to clear congestion and boost the immune system.
$55 (Regular) | $45 (Member)
Bladder Ozone Insufflation
Sterile procedure to help immediately annihilate infection and improve urinary incontinence. Locally helps promote regeneration and immunity.
$125 (Regular) | $115 (Member)
Vaginal Ozone Insufflation
Painless, swift way to fight infections of any kind, stimulate regeneration of healthy cells, and boost the immune system locally,.
$85 (Regular) | $75 (Member)
Rectal Ozone Insufflation
Helps local immunity by killing pathogenic microbes and can promote systemic immune boosting and regenerative effects.
$75 (Regular) | $65 (Member)
Rectal Ozone Insufflation
(Package of 5)
Commit to your health at a discounted rate.
$330 (Regular) | $313 (Member)
Ozone as a medical treatment has a history dating back to 1871. In WWI ozone was used to treat infections from wounds, but in the 1960’s ozone started to be scientifically studied by Dr. Velio Bocci (Italy) and Dr. Hansler (Germany). In the past twenty years, ozone therapy has started to make scientific leaps with an increasing amount of data and scientists involved in its study. Today, over 50,000 practitioners around the world practice ozone therapy on a daily basis.
The benefits of ozone therapy are vast. The research into ozone therapy continues to grow, especially as demand for optimal health and natural treatments is at an all-time high.
Some of the conditions that ozone therapy improves include:
Chronic Pain
Chronic Fatigue
Menstrual disorders
Dental cavitations and Infections
Mold exposure
SARSDiabetic ulcers
Circulatory disorders
Fibromyalgia and Autoimmune disorders
Lyme disease
Rheumatism and arthritis
Viral diseases
TBI/Cognitive disorders
We use ozone therapy to successfully help treat many conditions. If you think ozone therapy may be right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Angelina Mehta, ND.
More is not better with ozone therapy. Most practitioners recommend to start with a lower dose and slowly increase within the confines of the protocol. Higher doses of ozone can cause a die off (Herxheimer) reaction which can give you flu-like symptoms, or cause irritation, discomfort, or itching.
Ozone therapy is not FDA approved and the funds have not yet been raised to start clinical trials in the USA, although they exist in multiple countries outside of the USA. You should consult your medical practitioner. None of the information outlined in this document is intended to treat, cure, or diagnose. It is not a substitute for medical advice.
Dr. Angelina Mehta, ND has been practicing utilizing ozone therapies for patients since 2013 with impressive results. She has been trained by Dr. Harper in Atlanta in 2015, and received Advanced Training Certification from Dr. Shallinberger in Utah in 2020. She has discovered many uses for ozone therapy, making it one of the most versatile therapies in her practice today.